CrossFit – Sat, Jul 13

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Warm-up (No Measure)

2 Rounds

6/4 Calorie Bike

5e Worlds Greatest Stretch

4 Inchworm + Push-up

3 V-ups

2 Burpee

1 Strict Pull-up


2 Sets (this is a time to learn and group up)

6 Partner Wallballs

5 Toes to Bar

4 Burpee Deadlifts to Box

2-3 Muscle Ups

Partner Metcon (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)



50 Alt. Partner Wallballs

40 Toes to Bar

30 Calorie C2 Bike

20 Partner DB Burpee to Box (30/24)

10 Double DB Clean and Jerks



50 Alt. Partner Wallballs

40 Toes to Bar

30 Calorie Echo

20 Partner DB Burpee to Box (30/24)

10 Ring Muscle Ups
Alt. Partner Wallballs

Athletes will stand side by side alternating reps for the wallballs. Athlete 1 will perform a wallball hitting the target, athlete 2 will catch the wallball and then perform their wallball shot hitting the target.

Partner DB Burpee to Box

*one partner stands on either side of the box with 2 DBs on top of the box. Athlete 1 will grab the DB’s from the box and perform a DB Burpee Deadlift, finishing the rep by putting the DB’s back on the box. Athlete 2 will then grab the DB’s and perform a DB Burpee Deadlift finishing the rep by putting the DB Back on the box. This sequence would count as 2 reps