CrossFit – Wed, Jun 12


June 7th, 6:40pm – Double Under Clinic (Nipper’s Corner Location)

June 11th – July 18th – Weightlifting Class Nippers Corner (Every Tuesday and Thursday, 6:40-7:40)

June 28th – Squat/Deadlift Workshop (Location TBD)

Sign Ups will be available at the front of the gym!

All Clinics are $35 to join and great for all skill sets. Premium memberships are free!

Weightlifting Class is $240 for the entire 12 Sessions and Available for all members (6 Week Program)

CrossFit Trivium – CrossFit

Daily Brief (No Measure)

Today will be our conditioning test for the cycle with the Hero WOD “Jerry’’ This is a great workout to test overall aerobic endurance as it sits right in the 5k time domain for both the run and the Row. The combination of the two will challenge athletes to find a pace and gear that they can sustain. Go over some row technique and running drills today prior to the workout to make sure that athletes are ready to get their heart rate up and find that intensity.

Warm-up (No Measure)

1 Set

20 second Forward and Back Line Hops

20 second Side to Side Line Hops

20 second Bend and Bow

20/20 second Single Leg Toe Touches


2 Sets, For Quality

30/30 second Kettlebell Hip Shift

1:00 minute Alternating 90-90 Hip Switch


2 Sets

100m Run

200m Row

100m Run

rest 1:00

Jerry (Time)

For Time:

1-Mile Run

2k Row

1-Mile Run
In honor of Sgt Major Jerry Dwayne Patton, 40, died on 15 October 2008 preparing for deployment to Afghanistan.
To learn more about Jerry click here

1000m Run

1500m Row

1000m Run

Bonus Fitness (No Measure)

For Completion:

3 Sets, For Quality

:10 Hollow Hold + 10 V-Ups

-rest :30 seconds-

:10 Glute Bridge Hold + 20 Glute Bridges

-rest :30 seconds-

20 Weighted Russian Twists + 20 Russian Twists

Rest :60 seconds Between Sets.